apple iPhone not for malaysia?
June 29th, 2007. A simple date. A date an average person would never think about twice in their lives. But to Mac lovers around the world, a historic marker. June 29th, 2007 was the day that Apple finally launched their much anticipated iPhone. I read on the net that every single Macintosh center in the US was flooded with people on that day. To be honest, the outside was already crawing with Mac fans from the night before (The exact same thing is going on at this precise moment by the way. The new Harry Potter book is coming out tomorrow morning).
The amazing publicity build up by Steve Jobs with his outstanding Keynote presentation on the iPhone had even the anti-Macs turning their heads. Personally, I was applauding and cheering at my PowerBook whilst watching the online screening =P Apple customers waited patiently in line through horrible weather to get their hands on the new toy. It was reported that someone actually bought a spot in line for 5,000US!!! How crazy is that!?
Check out these pictures taken from a... I don't know really. I just found this random site on Yahoo! Arikan's Photos *only the first page has contents concerning the iPhone*
However though..., it doesn't seem like such a big hit in Malaysia...
Word has it that the iPhone may only be available for Malaysians in 2009. I would now like to emphasize on the word 'may'. You know how it is in Malaysia, could be later. But let's stay positive and say that it
A leak from Apple Malaysia states that the 4GB iPhone will be placed at the price of RM1599 and the larger, more superior 8GB at RM2100. That's insane. Would you pay that much? I know I won't.
Well we can only wait and see. But 2009 is a really long time from now. Within two years I assure you, companies like SonyEricsson, Nokia and Samsung will no doubtedly have their own versions of the iPhone. A better one probably. Not to mention their biggest rival HTC, who recently bought over Dopod. Shortly after that, they released the HTCTouch which runs on Windows Mobile 6. Critics report that the HTCTouch has somewhat similar functions if not better compared to the Apple iPhone.
One more thing. Besides the logical keyboard and the 4/8GB flash memory, the iPhone lacks a few critical capabilities required in the Malaysian market; 3G, MMS and it only obtains a 2MegaPixel camera which is considered outdated compared to the SonyEricsson Cybershot.
Don't get me wrong, I still want one. But I might wait for the 2nd, maybe even 3rd generation released before I get my iPhone. Wait until the twerks are all tweaked out.
Here's something funny I found...
hehe i do find the picture at the end of the post funny.i certainly will not get the iphone shuffle.i might end up calling whoever before i actually get the right person i want to speak to!
i want to get one too.i only hope i won't have to wait 2 years for it.and i hope by the time iphone reaches malaysia,it will already be in their 2nd or 3rd generation.
iphone shuffle. i think i want one.
ok i have no idea who either of u are... =S
Keep up the good work.
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